Social Media Marketing (SMM)

SMM Services to Help You Connect with, Engage and Generate Leads


Before you read any further, we want to warn you to be cautious of all those so-called social media experts who claim to know everything about Social Media Marketing.  No one knows everything and social media is changing constantly.  Remember that those who are offering legitimate SMM services should also be experts in value propositions, customer engagement and using these sites to build your business.

However, with that said, social media has a ton to offer your business and does not have to be a nightmare.  That is where CreativeMade comes in.

How We Can Help

CreativeMade can work with you to develop a simple social media marketing plan designed specifically for your business.  We can help you use social media and your blog to:

  • Monitor your brand.
  • Get top search engine rankings.
  • Generate leads.
  • Provide customer service.
  • Reputation Monitoring.
  • Build inbound marketing.
  • Connect with new prospects.
  • Engage your customer base.
  • Generate sales.


SMM Services

LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest and Blogs

  • Profile setup
  • Profile optimization to get you found
  • Company branded pages
  • Custom, branded social media backgrounds and graphics
  • Social media networking daily, weekly and monthly plans
  • Blog post and YouTube video Search Engine Optimization
  • Social media share button integration
  • Social media icon integration
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